I really wish I had my phone cuz I took like 5 billion sweet pictures last night.
My head hurts really bad. My stomach feels like shit. I took a really long nap and I woke up and Beetlejuice was on! SICK! I'm really glad I decided to stay home today and not go out. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow feelings better. My mom isn't mad at me any more. I hate my hair blond. I need to dye it really bad. I'm so sick and so bored and everyone is out partying and I'm home with no one to talk to. I need to buy a new phone on craigslist. Hopefully my mom will lend me the money for it cuz I don't wanna be phoneless any longer >:0
I'm going to start a fire in my backyard.
And roast marshmellows with my dad.
Bla bla bla.