I'm so irritated today. Job hunted. Met up with Bromar. Maaaaan fuck Gates. I can't even walk to the park with out some ignorant black person trying to talk to me,or beep at me. Its so annoyinggggg. My lips are so dry and they hurrrrrtttttt.
Soooooo,I really wish I could have spent my day with this one really cute boy. I kinda miss kissing him.

I'm really excited about being vegetarin again. Cuz I'm sticking with it this time. And I've been eating really healthy. And drinking lots of water. I really miss my pink shades. I think I'm going to start staying home a lot more. The peole that contact me to hang out suck. And I'm really sick of them and they are sketchy.I want one or two good friends. That I can really trust. But fuckkkkkkkkk itttttttt.