Ohay I'm a man in a suit. With a tree as a face. There is an Eskimo committing suicide off the side of my head. Waaaaaah.
I love everything about Alex Pardee.
I have so much mascara on its hurting my eyes.
I saw Chris today for a lil. It was raining like CRAZYYY. And his windows were all foggy. And he called me up yelling about how he was going to die on the way here. And he didn't Hes a drama queen. There were like 10 jillion earth worms in my drive way. Like the extra juicy gross ones. Not into it. I did my hair SO cute today. I'm so proud of myself. Every time I do something cute to my hair I feel like I shouldn't have dropped out of cos. But I'm only good at doing a certin kind of hair styles. Which wouldn't work out very well if I worked in a salon.
Tomorrow me and Christopher are going on a road trip. To some show. And hes gona show me off cuz I am his "trophy girl friend"!
Tonight my old best friend Christina Queen Lockhart and I WERE suppose to have a sleep over. But shit got fucked. And I'm upset about it. I miss her. And I miss us. And I miss how I was when her and I were BFFL'S. But I do not miss how I looked back then. YUCK. Ever greasy and scene. SICK.
Oh yeah and I was beating up Chris the other day.
Straight kick'n his ass.
And he put up his stupid arm to block me. And it hit my forearm real hard. And now I have this sick red and purple bruise. And it was swollen. And then it stopped hurting. And he grabbed me and squeezed it. And now it hurts again. Real dick move.
I'm obviously rambling.
I'm excited about our mini road trip tomorrow.
K fuck off bye.