All you do is whineee whinee whinne. I'm not walking on egg shells for you anymore! You don't like what I do,you don't like what I say,then get the fuck out of my life for good. I'm done with this on and off shit. Just because you're nuts and bi polar doesn't mean I'm going to keep letting you back in. Yeah,I was starting to seriously fall for you. And I kept fucking up,and begging you to forgive me. But fuck. You took it to far. Keep being immature. And keep fucking over the one person that would have been good to you. See how many other bitches will put up with you for as long as I have.

I had a good day. I'm so tired. I played basketball all day. I'm going to play call of duty 5 all night.
AND I still look cute after ball'n all day !